Children must understand how a community forms and who our community helpers are. This raises awareness about the various hands that make life easy for us. This is why we held the Community Helpers Day in our school for our PP2 children.
On 14 December 2018, we encouraged our little ones to dress up as a community helper. Our campus was, thus, filled with nurses, soldiers, navy officers, vegetable vendors, traffic police officers, teachers, navy officers, and more. Each child spoke about the community helper he/she was dressed up as. They also role-played and understood the duties of all the helpers. While everyone did a wonderful job, Nasrullah (dressed as a traffic policeman) and Aanika (dressed as a nurse) took the limelight away.
Parents were very thrilled about our event, just like the kids. They were happy that we were teaching children about various professions and helping them respect every individual in our community. The parents said that children learned how to mingle with others and address everyone politely. Inculcating this type of behavior in children is very crucial and the earlier we start, the better.
Community helpers do so much to keep our communities safe, clean, and happy. It is only fair that we respect them and acknowledge their contributions. All teachers, parents, and students were enthusiastic throughout the event and it was heartening that we were able to teach our children about the society in such an interactive manner.
We hope to continue raising awareness about the different aspects of societies through many such events.
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