Face Painting – a fantastic day out!

The PP1 classroom of PRESIDENCY KIDS came alive with lots of colour and life as we witnessed the Funny Faces event on 12th of July 2019, where the teachers painted their students unleashing their hidden potential. The idea was extremely well received and after rigorous research, we opted to go with food colours to make sure that our little heroes’ skin is not affected by chemicals. Everybody chose their favourite colours, and we got going, with Little Miss Sunshine, Mr Noisy, Spiderman and Dalmatians all proving very popular. Breaking out the paints and transforming children into their choice of superhero or colourful creature provides a great chance to enjoy, being creative and cognitive development!

The participation from all the three sections was overwhelming and made the event a grand success. Instantly the students were metamorphosed into beautiful imaginary beings and animated faces. Teachers came out with their artistic best and creative ideas. This event created an aura of excitement and festivity on the school campus. 

The students of junior classes were awestruck by the on-going activity. Their views varied from favouring beautiful butterflies to Spiderman, from wishing to be a dinosaur to a mouse. Nainika, Vikas and Vrindha were the most excited among the PP1 students. Jaya teacher and Shivani teacher also had their faces painted and enjoyed along with PP1 students. Even parents were excited about the event and some of the parents wrote to us that they felt happy after checking the photos in the MCB parent portal.

For more photos, please visit: https://bit.ly/2XIENkR