The Lemonade day


Doctors say, one cup of fresh lemon juice provides 187 percent of your daily recommended serving of vitamin C — take that, oranges! To make our little heroes develop good drinking habits and also to make them learn simple kitchen works, we conduct the event, lemonade day once in  a year.


On  2nd Augustwe have conducted Lemonade day in our campus, where students enjoyed doing lemonade with the help of their teachers. All the kids participated with a lot of enthusiasm, squeezing the fresh lemon juice with their cute little hands. “Kids loved the process of making the lemonade and learned it very quick, though it was the first time they were doing it”, said a PP-II teacher.

”I enjoyed a lot in making the le-mon-ade, I love its taste – It’s very sweet and tasty”, a PP-II kid rejoiced. We hope the parents take forward this step by developing healthy drink habits among their kids, replacing contemporary soft drinks with the healthy and tasty lemonade.