What young kids could resist the pull of an outdoor adventure and the promise of hidden treasure? “Treasure hunt” !!!
Treasure hunts offer a huge amount of everlasting fun and will improve their physical and intellectual development in preschoolers.
We conducted “Treasure Hunt” for PP2 kids from 22nd Oct – 25th Oct 2019. The little detectives explored all corners of the school play area and found different objects like remote, soft toys, phone, toys etc.
Every kid enjoyed the activity and shared their experiences with their friends about the objects they found. Especially Shrusti, Venya and Ronak Patil actively collected many objects.
The pre-kids play area was turned into a far-away land with secrets to unfold and PP2 kids’ imagination has done the rest. In between all that bounty-chasing and treasure-digging, kids got a taste of how to decode clues and began to connect how actions and symbols of their teacher correspond to things in the physical world.
For more photos, please visit: shorturl.at/gvMZ3